On Monday we spent the day at audio studio Bang in NYC recording additional audio for In-World War.
Actor Sara Ahmed lives in Pakistan and we had a rare opportunity to record some audio while she was visiting the East Coast. The work on the film's edit was put on hold so we could get out to NYC from the Bay Area to meet Sara and record the dialog.
Sara plays Mo, one of the main supporting roles in In-World War. We needed to record her dialog for an important animated scene in the film -- it was one of the last remaining production tasks. Without her dialog, the scene would probably have been cut. It's a crucial turning point in her friendship with Mary, the film's hapless protagonist -- and prepares the story for the start of the 3rd act.
We were also able to re-record some dialog cleaner than it sounded on location, called "ADR" in industry-speak (for Automated Dialog Replacement) but commonly known as dubbing. And we even had Sara read a number of alt lines to clarify the story in places. We'll use creative editing to hide the fact that her lips in the film won't match the new lines.
Sara was a natural at ADR. Within three takes for each line, she was able to match the original cadence and timing of her filmed performance (crudely called matching "the flap" in ADR parlance).
Overall, a really important day of production. Thanks to local NYC actor Peter Halpin for stepping in to help read with Sara -- and above all to Brad, Nick, Evelyn and the rest of the amazing team at Bang.
If you're in NYC and need a kick-ass audio production studio, go Bang. They will have your back, for sure.
Now, back to the edit.