October 02, 2021

July 08, 2015

June 24, 2015

May 05, 2015

November 26, 2014

November 13, 2014

October 26, 2014

August 13, 2014

August 10, 2013

May 08, 2013

In-World War
Mary in front of a green screen
Junior looking into the phone
Tix at the Griefers Ball

Current status

  • Post-production action items (updated 10/3/21):
    - Finish first round of stop motion VFX.
    - Recruit more 2D traditional animators.
    - Plan the last pick-up shots.

About the film

  • In-World War, a smart and offbeat indie sci-fi feature, tells the futuristic story of a debt-ridden and depressed beta tester trapped in a buggy virtual reality simulation of the "war on terror".

    This site chronicles the making of the film, which is written and directed by Brant Smith (aka DJ Bad Vegan), who also produced the award-winning narrative feature Quality of Life.

    Contact: badvegan [at] studiolomismo [dot] com

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